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Instant Magny 35

Instant Magny 35

Enables you to use a 135 SLR and Rangefinder camera to capture instant photographs without any modifications!


  • Transforming the traditional film camera into an instant camera without any modifications 
  • An unprecedented instant photography experience using your most reliable and familiar camera and lens 
  • Innovative design allows you to carry or store it easily and freely 
  • Discovering the real you 
  • Utilizing the commonly used Fujifilm Instax Square instant film


From the beginning of the twentieth century until today, 135 Single Lens Reflex (SLR) and Rangefinder cameras are dependable, lightweight, and leading technology in capturing countless classic images.

Now, you can use Fujifilm Instax Square through the Instant Magny 35 in the decisive moment. The new camera accessory, the Instant Magny 35, enables you to use a 135 SLR and Rangefinder camera to capture instant photographs. It is specifically designed to capture images using film cameras without any modifications, bringing passionate photographers an unprecedented instant photography experience!

An instant photo turns a moment into a solid photo eternally, which charms photographers of all generations. The Instant Magny 35, developed by NINM Lab, is ideal for SLR and Rangefinder cameras of Leica, Nikon, Canon and Olympus. Let all passionate film photographers experience the feeling and control of images developing.


Discovering the real you 

Seeing your image in a photograph is seeing from the others’ perspective. People tend to be more familiar with their image in the mirror, but seeing themselves in pictures is not. However, when you use the Instant Magny 35 to capture portraits, the subject will feel more intimate with the image because this is the true “you” that you see in the mirror every day. 

Due to the focal plane of the Instant Magny 35 through a monolithic mirror, a mirror image is projected onto the Instax Square Instant film, which is the ideal result from the consideration of optical engineering and the process of product development. As a result, a familiar image of the subject can be captured as the photographer is taking portraits.


The design of a high reflective rate mirror reduces the light loss of an image during the enlarging process. In the past, the Nikon Speed Magny adopted a design of double mirrors, which could convert the image back to normal, but was responsible for the large size of the camera. It also led to another serious issue: the light loss rate hitting 5 stops during the enlarging process. The Instant Magny’s light loss rate is controlled within 3 stops and its exposure value simultaneously turns the ISO800 on Instax Square film to ISO100. As the aperture lens system on the 135 camera is relatively large, the Instant Magny is a convenient and reliable accessory for taking instant photographs.




  • Nikon FM / FE / FM2 / FE2 / FA / FM3A
  • Leica M3 / M2 / MD / MD-2/ M1 / M4 / M4-2/ M4-P / MA / *M6/ *M7 / *MP
    *Supports manual exposure only, does not support auto exposure or light metering mode
  • Olympus OM-1/ OM-1n/ OM-2/ OM-2n/ OM-2sp/ OM-3 (Ti)/ OM-4 (Ti)
  • Canon AE-1/ AE-1 Program/ AT-1/ A-1


  • 將傳統底片相機化成拍立得相機、毋須任何改裝
  • 破天荒的立拍體驗:使用你最可靠、熟悉的相機和心儀的鏡頭
  • 嶄新設計讓你可靈巧收藏和易於攜帶
  • 發現真我
  • 使用普及的 Fujifilm Instax Square 方形拍立得底片


將底片相機化成拍立得相機 、 毋須任何改裝

由二十世紀初至今,135 單眼及旁軸底片相機以可靠、輕便、領先的科技記錄了無數經典畫面。而今天你可將決定性的瞬間,透過 Instant Magny 35 於 Fujifilm Instax Square 拍立得底片上呈現。全新相機配件 Instant Magny 35 拍立得機背專為 135 單眼及旁軸底片相機而設,讓你在無需改裝的情況下用傳統相機拍出拍立得照,為相機用家帶來破天荒的立拍體驗!


拍立得把瞬間化為永恆的實體影像,對不同年代的攝影愛好的都有著不能言喻的魅力。由 NINM Lab 開發的 Instant Magny 35 拍立得機背適用於跨越 50 年代至今,五大主流底片相機品牌中,超過 35 台最普及型號的單眼及旁軸底片相機,包括:Nikon FM/FE/FA 系統、 Leica M 系統、Olympus OM 系統及 Canon A 系統。讓一眾熱愛底片攝影的用家,在完全不需改裝相機的情況下,簡單的五個步驟,即可一嘗影像於手心顯影的感動。



一般在照片中看到自己的影像,是他人眼中的自己。人們對鏡中的自己看起來要更加熟悉,而照片中的自己看起來有些陌生。因為鏡子中的影像都是是鏡像。而當你以 Instant Magny 35 拍攝的人像,被攝者閱讀影像時會有莫明奇妙的親切,因為這正是「你」每天於鏡子中看到的「我」。


正因為 Instant Magny 35 的焦平面成像透過單片反光鏡投射至 Instax Square 拍立得底片上的影像時為鏡像,此乃在光學工程與產品設計過程中考量後最理想的結果。因此用家拍攝人像時,將更能好好紀錄被攝者最熟悉的自己。




  • Nikon FM / FE / FM2 / FE2 / FA / FM3A
  • Leica M3 / M2 / MD / MD-2/ M1 / M4 / M4-2/ M4-P / MA / *M6/ *M7 / *MP
    *Supports manual exposure only, does not support auto exposure or light metering mode
  • Olympus OM-1/ OM-1n/ OM-2/ OM-2n/ OM-2sp/ OM-3 (Ti)/ OM-4 (Ti)
  • Canon AE-1/ AE-1 Program/ AT-1/ A-1

    If you discover a functional issue within 14 days of receiving the product, please contact us with picture proof. We will replace the product immediately. Please note that we can only provide exchanges but no full refund.


    If you need technical support, please contact us via


    We do not accept returns or exchanges unless the item you purchased is defective. 


    We apologize for not being able to provide returns and refunds for personal reasons (such as not wanting it or ordering the wrong product).


    This warranty does not include:

    1) Any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance or care

    2) Damage resulting from misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents or shipping damage

  • Return & Refund Policy

    If you discover a functional issue within 7 days of receiving the product, please contact us with picture proof. We will replace the product immediately. Please note that we can only provide exchanges but no full refund.


    If you need technical support, please contact us via


    We do not accept returns or exchanges unless the item you purchased is defective.

HK$2,138.00 Regular Price
HK$1,282.80Sale Price
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